happysleep hariayako believes that it is our social responsibility to recognize the importance of personal information protection, use personal information properly, and protect personal information. We pledge to strive for the protection of personal information.
《Management of personal information》
When handling personal information, happysleep hariayako will comply with laws, guidelines and this privacy policy regarding the protection of personal information, including the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”.
《Purpose of use of personal information》
At happysleep hariayako, we need to provide personal information such as name, email address, telephone number, etc. when receiving inquiries from customers and reservation forms. This personal information will be used for responding to inquiries and for contacting by e-mail, etc., and will not be used for any other purpose.
《Disclosure of personal information to third parties》
At happysleep hariayako, personal information will be managed appropriately and will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.
・ With the consent of the customer
・ When disclosure is requested by law or at the request of a government agency
・ When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
《Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use of personal information》
If the customer wishes to disclose, correct, add, delete, or suspend the use of personal data, we will confirm the identity of the customer and respond promptly.
If you move from this site to another site by a link or banner, we will not take any responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided at the destination site. We strive to post as accurate information as possible regarding the content and information on this site, however incorrect information may be included or the information may be out of date. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the contents posted on this site.
《About changes in privacy policy》
The contents of this policy may be reviewed as appropriate and changed without notice to the user. The latest revised privacy policy will always be disclosed on this site.
《 inquiry》
For inquiries to this site, please use the contact / inquiry form.